SMSC at Claytons
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
At Claytons we believe that our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is vitally important. It underpins everything that we do. We are aware that it enables them to be happy, co-operative and secure and in turn leads to successful learners.
SMSC isn’t taught as an isolated subject but crosses topics, situations and events that occur in school. In addition, our Resilience and Wellbeing Curriculum, focus on our School Values, Global Learning and the importance of British Values all act as vehicles to promote SMSC.
Claytons Resilience and Wellbeing Curriculum and Claytons School Values

Each half term we focus on a different theme of Resilience and Wellbeing that links to one of our School Values. We feel it is so important for our children to be able to bounce back after setback or difficulty and not bend or break under those pressures. We want our children to have an understanding of who they are and have a sense of belonging within their community. We want them to be compassionate, positive, problem solvers. There are 12 themes that we cover over a 2 year rolling programme.
Click here for the 12 themes.
Each week a Resilience and Wellbeing lesson is taught to each class linked to that half terms theme. It enables the children to reflect on situations that they or others might find themselves in and develop positive, healthy ways to overcome the difficulty.
Each Resilience and Wellbeing theme has a linked School Value. In addition we draw on all of our School Values where opportunities occur as part of everyday school life. Sometimes these opportunities occur spontaneously or maybe planned during lessons, Thinking Time or the half termly Thinking Assembly. Values postcards are sent home to parents of pupils who have demonstrated a particular strength or made progress in a specific value.
We have shared the children's learning through some videos which you can watch from our Resilience and Wellbeing tab.

Each half term we focus on a different theme of Resilience and Wellbeing that links to one of our School Values. We feel it is so important for our children to be able to bounce back after setback or difficulty and not bend or break under those pressures. We want our children to have an understanding of who they are and have a sense of belonging within their community. We want them to be compassionate, positive, problem solvers. There are 12 themes that we cover over a 2 year rolling programme.
Click here for the 12 themes.
Each week a Resilience and Wellbeing lesson is taught to each class linked to that half terms theme. It enables the children to reflect on situations that they or others might find themselves in and develop positive, healthy ways to overcome the difficulty.
Each Resilience and Wellbeing theme has a linked School Value. In addition we draw on all of our School Values where opportunities occur as part of everyday school life. Sometimes these opportunities occur spontaneously or maybe planned during lessons, Thinking Time or the half termly Thinking Assembly. Values postcards are sent home to parents of pupils who have demonstrated a particular strength or made progress in a specific value.
We have shared the children's learning through some videos which you can watch from our Resilience and Wellbeing tab.
Thinking Time and Thinking Assemblies
Thinking Time is a class based activity, lasting approximately 20 minutes that is carried out throughout the school. It is an opportunity for the pupils and adults to contribute to discussions where everyone has an equal say. The discussion might be linked to the previous weeks Resilience and Wellbeing lesson, one of our School Values, Global Learning or a situation that a pupil or the class have experienced. Thinking Assemblies occur at the end of each half term and involve the whole of the school community. They give pupils and adults the opportunity to contribute with their experience of the current Resilience and Wellbeing theme or SMSC more widely.
Global Learning Programme
We feel that it is important to encourage our pupils to become Global Citizens. We help them to understand people from other countries and their contribution to our world, be aware of the wider world, respect and value diversity, understand how the world works, understand social justice and take responsibility for their actions. Therefore we plan units of work, lessons and assemblies with a global theme where appropriate.
Initially the pupils are encouraged to question stereotypes and look for similarities as opposed to differences.
Please watch the ‘TED talk’ link which helps to explain why a good global understanding is so important.
We feel that it is important to encourage our pupils to become Global Citizens. We help them to understand people from other countries and their contribution to our world, be aware of the wider world, respect and value diversity, understand how the world works, understand social justice and take responsibility for their actions. Therefore we plan units of work, lessons and assemblies with a global theme where appropriate.
Initially the pupils are encouraged to question stereotypes and look for similarities as opposed to differences.
Please watch the ‘TED talk’ link which helps to explain why a good global understanding is so important.
British Values
British values form part of the foundation of our learning both inside and outside the classroom. They are integrated into the day to day life of the school. We aim to enable the pupils to develop self-esteem and self-confidence; distinguish right from wrong, respect the law and accept responsibility for their behaviour; contribute positively to the lives of others; encourage harmony between different cultures and faiths and recognise their own; have respect for other people, democracy and support the democratic processes.
According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' comprise of:
· democracy
· the rule of law
· individual liberty
· mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
School Inspection Handbook from September 2015
Click here to link to our British Values policy