How the PTA funds are spent
Without your help and support, over the last few years your children would not have benefitted from, or received the following items.
Year 2019/2020 (so far)
Reception welcome cards £39.75
Times Table Rockstars £94.90
Children Christmas Parties & gifts £650.00
Music Licence £295.00
Music Ukuleles £423.65
Carpets (Nursery) £870.00
Blinds (Hall) £1,920.00
Maths (various items) £886.09
Sharpeners £204.95
Rubbish Skip £324.17
Music misc funding £1,7000.00
Items for SEN department £3,200.00 (Shanly grant)
Support Maths Scheme £2,000.00
Support agency staff £2,400.00
Phonics Resources for KS2 £505.00
Speechlink package £1,500.00
Prizes for Reading week £104.00
Removal of Willow £250.00
Pond Tidy £235.00
Year 2018/2019
Minibus £8,000.00
Minibus signwriting £140.00
Children Christmas parties & gifts £670.05
Ipad £392.83
Kindness Elves £149.22
Nursery misc £32.10
Pond Works £505.00
Silver Class Carpet £789.00
Playground Equipment £10,000.00
Wig Wag Lights (Zebra crossing) £900.00
Nursery Slide and Climbing £5,590.00
Hoses and Watering can £118.15
Leavers mugs £166.67
Year 2017/2018
Computer Donation £2,000.00
Playground surface £4,100.00
Children Christmas Parties & gifts £697.97
Forest School £454.13
Marquee Stabilisers £181.36
School IT packages £3,000.00
Mindset for parents £250.00
Bread making £50.98
Postcards £115.14
Playground Markings £3,000.00
Arts Week £700.00
Maths Day £180.00
Library Donation £317.15
Leavers mugs £200.00
Breathing Classes £325.00
Welcome cards £40.79
Maths No Problem programme £2,325.00
Year 2016/2017
School Playground and wall £10,000.00
Outdoor classroom £4,700.00
School travel Plan £1,000.00
Science Week £342.68
Leavers mugs £180.00
Minibus maintenance £900.00
Blinds for classrooms £1,781.00
Children Christmas parties & gifts £805.20
Ipads £1,283.94
Nursery equipment £233.50
Music Equipment £150.50
Kids safety booklet £280.00