Claytons Primary School

Primary School

Claytons Primary School Curriculum


Find the full policy here


Nursery and Reception

EYFS Policy

Early Years Curriculum Drivers

Early Years Skills and Knowledge Progression


 Curriculum Overviews

 Autumn 2024

Year 1 Year 2
LKS2 Overview
UKS2 Overview

A link to the DfE National Curriculum is here


2024/24 priorities

KS1 Talk the Talk Guidelines

KS2 Talk the Talk Guidelines

Oracy progression document


English Intent, Implementation and Impact


Reading Curriculum


Writing Curriculum


Reading Developing Knowledge


Developing Writing Knowledge EY

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 1

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 2

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 3

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 4

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 5

Developing Writing Knowledge Year 6


Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact


Maths Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


Science Intent, Implementation and Impact


Science Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


PE Intent, Implementation and Impact


PE Curriculum


Developing Knowledge




SMSC Intent, Implementation and Impact


PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact


Resilience/PSHE/SMSC Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


RSE Consultation


PSHE including RSE Policy 

Art & Technology

Art & Technology Intent, Implementation and Impact


Art & Design Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


Music Intent, Implementation and Impact


Music Curriculum


Developing Knowledge

Year 1 & 2

Year 1 & 2 part 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 3 & 4 part 2

Year 5 & 6

Year 5 & 6 part 2


French Intent, Implementation and Impact


French Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


History Intent, Implementation and Impact 


History Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact


Geography Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


RE Intent, Implementation and Impact


RE Curriculum


Developing Knowledge


RE and British Values links


Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact


Computing Curriculum


Developing Knowledge