Claytons Primary School

Primary School


Welcome to Indigo’s class page.

We’re a happy class of year 5 and 6 pupils.  Most of us have been at Claytons since the Nursery which seems like a very long time ago now.  Mrs Davis and Mrs Fayers are our teachers, Mrs Davis on Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Fayers Wednesday to Friday.  Mrs Cooper is our Learning Support Assistant. 

Already it’s been a very busy start to the year.  In addition to all of our regular lessons, we’ve had a special Greek day, year 6 went on their residential week to Condover Hall, we made amazing Greek pots with the help of a local potter and had fun during Money Week where we created our own recipe book that went on sale.  Hard work but good fun!

As the year passes we aim to update our page with our highlights, we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Indigo Time Table

To view the Year 5 & 6 information pack click here.