School Organisation
The school has a designated local authority Nursery which can cater for up to 35 children in the mornings and afternoons. Children start the Nursery in the term after their third birthday and we usually place them into the morning session and move them up to afternoons in the term after their fourth birthday. We require parents to use their 15 hours as 5 x 3hr sessions in the mornings or afternoons to allow this. However, it is possible to extend the provision by paying for the additional morning or afternoon session.
The school’s admission number is 45 which is set by the Local Authority. When the children enter the Reception year group they are split into two classes – Silver and Bronze. So we have two, mixed ability classes of 23 and 22.
After the Reception year, we combine year groups 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6 and then redistribute into three mixed ability and mixed year groups.
KS1 has three classes, Red, Yellow and Blue and each class has 15 year 1 pupils and 15 year 2 pupils.
This pattern is continued in years 3&4 which has three classes, Purple, Orange and Green, each having 15 year 3 pupils and 15 year 4 pupils.
In years 5&6 we have Indigo, Violet and Aqua which have 15 year 5 pupils and 15 year 6 pupils.
Additional Resource Provision (ARP)
The school also has a 12 place ARP for children on the autistic spectrum.
Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and spacious, well-resourced accommodation. There are additional teaching areas outside the class base and extensive grounds which include two playgrounds and two sports fields.